Wine Consultant
Are you curious about or have a business interest in wine and would like to have some guidance when purchasing wine for a private collection or a restaurant? Our consultant Kjell Fransson has a long and genuine interest in all styles of quality wines. Kjell can give advice but also arrange blind wine tasting for smaller or bigger audiences according to the customer’s budget.
“Bin Around Wine”
Agile Quality is currently establishing a new business area, ”Bin Around Wine”, aimed towards restaurants who want to give a broad offering in their wine list or new starters who would like a drinkable offering right from start. We can offer wines which have “been around” for a while and thus have gained its optimal drinking age right when you purchase them. No more sharp and acidic Alsace wines or juvenile tannic Bordeaux in your wine list!
Kjell is the winner of several of the Swedish wine organization “Munskänkarna’s” regional finals in blind wine tasting as well as the winner of the Swedish national competition 2014. The same year Kjell represented Sweden in the world championship arranged by the magazine La Revue du Vin de France ( ) and ended up in position 11 of 18 competing teams.